Second Ward, Minneapolis

This is a public policy forum that was established in 2006 by Minneapolis Second Ward (Green) City Council Member Cam Gordon and his policy aide Robin Garwood to share what they were working on and what life in City Hall was like. After serving 4 terms Cam lost his relection in 2021 but has continued to be involved in local politics and to use this forum to report and share his perspective on public policy. Please feel free to comment on posts, within certain ground rules.

Friday, January 09, 2009

1721 Como and Joe Baker Auto

Today, the Council passed a resolution I authored taking the somewhat unprecedented action of declaring a property – 1721 Como Ave SE – a “municipal problem.”

This issue goes back several years, and centers around a business called Joe Baker Auto. Back in 2003, responding to numerous concerns from Southeast Como residents, City Licensing staff started holding Mr. Baker accountable for some shoddy business practices, which included long-term storage of junk cars on the lot and in the street. After multiple violations, citations, and a mass impounding of a collection of inoperable vehicles, Mr. Baker allowed his business license to expire in 2006.

Since a licensed business was no longer involved, Zoning enforcement staff stepped in. From 2007 until the middle of last year, they gave Mr. Baker a number of citations, totaling $5,500, for violating the zoning code’s enclosed building requirement and for operating an illegal parking lot. (The fact that the auto repair license had been allowed to expire meant that the cars continuing to be stored on the lot could only be called a parking lot.) These fines have yet to be paid.

Then, last year, Mr. Baker allowed the property to go into tax forfeiture, which means it was controlled by the County. City staff asked that the property not be sold for six months, to give the City and the neighborhood a chance to find the highest and best possible use of the property, something that would actually serve the surrounding community. Unfortunately, during that time Mr. Baker has applied to repurchase the property from the County.

Along with Licensing staff, interested neighbors and County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, my staff attended a public hearing held by the County Auditor's office on Mr. Baker's repurchase application. The City's position is that 1721 has been a problem for the neighborhood and our regulatory staff for more than five years, and continues to be. The County's policy on repurchase applications states that one of the conditions for denial is if the property is considered a "municipal problem," with code violations. Commissioner McLaughlin recommended that the City make a formal statement to this effect before the next public hearing on January 12th. After some good work by my staff in conjunction with Licensing, Zoning, and the City Attorney's Office, the resolution was passed unanimously this morning.

It is my hope that this will help the County see its way clear to denying Mr. Baker's repurchase application, so that this property - located at a busy and highly visible intersection at 18th and Como - can go from being a frustrating eyesore to something that strengthens and serves the neighborhood.


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a neibor and a coustomer of Joe Baker for 20 years. I think what the south east como neiborhood ass. has done to him for the last 20 years is a travisty. They have not let him be ever. The things I have seen them do to him are unbelievable and uncalledfor. And to see a council member jump on thier attack band wagon is a discrace to my love for this city. He was allways the best neibor any one could ask for! I wish to remain anonymous so secia`s vengence dosen`t become personal with my property the next time they have nothing to do!

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is a discrase. I know the baker family personaly and clearly see the injustice. this has been a terrible time for small business and the costant harrasement from a few has blown this out of proportion.The constent fines and fees for "too many cars in the lot" are alone enough to kill a business. What the Council shoud do is work with small strugling business and not deliberatly try to drive them out. I have known the Baker family for years and they spend hours every month helping there church and community. They deserve a chance to get there building back.


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