Bike Tunnel under 35W bridge
Back February 2008, when I learned that the new 35W bridge construction would cut off a pedestrian and bike connection, and after it was clear that this cost would not be covered by the state or feds, I successfully pushed for the Council to set aside up to $1.2 million in municipal state aid funds for a bike and pedestrian tunnel as part of the rebuilding the Interstate 35W Bridge.
As the new bridge is set to reopen, I recently learned that City staff worked with MnDOT and Flatiron-Masson Joint Venture staff to design the tunnel in very efficient, safe, and cost effective manner. The final agreement between MnDOT and the City estimates the tunnel will cost about $841,500, which is less than the City’s preliminary estimate of $900,000 and is well below the $1.2 million appropriated.
The tunnel will remain closed, however, as the City secures funding to build the remaining portions of the bike and pedestrian trail between Bridge 9 (east side) to 13thAve/2nd St (west side) which will directly link Downtown to the West Bank area, the Dinkytown area, the University of Minnesota, and other easterly destinations.
I am also hoping to see investments in lighting and other security features (like call boxes) to make sure this will be a safe and well used pathway for years to come.
This tunnel is an example of why things often work so well here in Minneapolis. The city council became aware of an opportunity to improve bike/ped access and scrambled to take advantage of it.
I look forward to seeing the plans develop for creating trails so we can use that tunnel.
How close are we in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?
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