Second Ward, Minneapolis

This is a public policy forum that was established in 2006 by Minneapolis Second Ward (Green) City Council Member Cam Gordon and his policy aide Robin Garwood to share what they were working on and what life in City Hall was like. After serving 4 terms Cam lost his relection in 2021 but has continued to be involved in local politics and to use this forum to report and share his perspective on public policy. Please feel free to comment on posts, within certain ground rules.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Riverside Market Art

Last week, a bit of a brouhaha erupted over the art project that Seward Neighborhood Group and Seward Redesign had put together on the vacant Riverside Market. (See past posts for more information on the planning process for the redevelopment of this site.)

The project's goal was to cover the large, blank walls that had increasingly become graffiti magnets with public art. The artists were each given a portion of the wall to work in, and their finished products were striking and, as art often is, controversial.

My office heard from the City's Solid Waste and Recycling (SW&R) department that they had received numerous complaints through the City's 311 program about graffiti on the site. Unless the owner of the property agreed to cover the 'graffiti', it would be covered by a City crew.

My office forwarded this information to SNG and Redesign to alert them to the possibility that the murals might be covered, and the response was immediate and unequivocal: the murals are a public art project, not graffiti.

It took some effort to convince our diligent SW&R folks to accept this. It's complicated. The aesthetic style of much of the art is definitely in the 'graffiti' mold. (Interestingly, one of the "tags" that the City documented read "Seward Art Crawl" - clearly an authorized statement).

Add to this the fact that some of the artwork on Riverside Market is done by individuals who have done unauthorized graffiti vandalism elsewhere. Another complicating factor is that there were clearly some unauthorized tags on the building, though how many is disputed. Lastly, the ownership of the building is in flux (Seward Redesign has a purchase agreement with the current owners, but the City does not consider that legal authority).

I heard from quite a few Seward neighbors about this issue, almost all of whom opposed any City "cleanup" of the art. A few wrote that, though the art itself isn't their visual cup of tea, they support the right of the artists to express themselves and, as importantly, the right of the neighborhood to organize public art projects.

My position was this: public art, even if in a "graffiti" style, is not graffiti unless it is unauthorized. The City should not be an arbiter of aesthetics. Therefore, those who control the site may allow people - even people known as destructive taggers, if that's their whim - to do public art without City intervention. However, those who control the site (in this case, that de facto means SNG and Redesign) must keep it clear of unauthorized tags, so as not to allow it to become a free-for-all.

Still, some neighbors continue to be concerned. Yesterday I heard that some neighbors who live in a High rise buildings in the area are offended by some painting on the roof that is not visible from the street level. Just today I received a call from an area business person who is concerned that the existence of this art has lead to an increase in unauthorized graffiti elsewhere and may discourage some people from buying property or doing other business in the neighborhood.

Clearly, this is a instance where there is not agreement among neighbors. Ultimately, the best solution will be realized (soon, hopefully) when the now-vacant property is redeveloped.


At 7:55 AM, Blogger Max said...

Thanks for summarizing this issue Cam. I am a Seward resident, and I had heard that there have been complaints.

This feels like an issue where it's easiest to hear the minority of vocal critics, while the majority of Seward residents silently approve. Thus, I write to voice my opinion that this art project is nothing short of fantastic. I believe others feel the same.


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My roommates and I drive past the building on our way from the Seward Co-op to our house in Prospect Park and we just love it. It is a great use of a building that's current unused.

Vacant, boarded up buildings make me much more nervous about a neighborhood's development prospects than a building that is the site of the obvious talent of a neighborhood's expressive artists.

I appreciate your dealings in regards to the building and your listening to the concerns of those who are disappointed with the public art in Seward.

-Addy Free


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